The software provides the currency exchange-rate conversion and the commonly used unit conversion of the British, US, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan. All units can be easily customized and sorted. We also provide a long-term exchange rate chart to keep track of exchange rate trends.
The 24 commonly used unit conversion are divided into three categories:
Life group: include exchange rate, gold, time, temperature, fuel consumption, cooking, air conditioning and illuminance.
Basic group: include angle, length, area, volume, weight, speed, numerical prefix, and computer byte
Tech. group: include force, torque, pressure, energy, power, flow, density, and astronomy.
This software has following of features:
1. Easy operation, data can directly entered, without require switch drop down menu.
2. You can customary edit the visibility of unit items, only left common use items.
3. Automatically store the last input data.
4. Customizable menus.
5. Customizable numerical display accuracy
6. Will automatically update the latest exchange rate data from the Internet.
7. Provide different screen size magnification mode.
You can also freely load the full version which offers the following additional features:
1. Provide four custom field editing groups, you can switch at any time.
2. Unit fields are classified as: British, American, China (including Taiwan and Hong Kong) and Japan, make it easy to edit custom fields quickly.
When you download and install the program, it means you agree to the following terms of service:
1. Due to the calculation process will be rounding, the software does not apply to applications that require precise calculations.
2. The exchange rate and precious metal price data are from third parties. The software does not guarantee the correctness and immediacy of the information.
3. The exchange rate data is the middle rate, and use the United States dollar as the basic rate to calculate the cross exchange rate of other currency. Historical exchange rate switching time is 0 o'clock in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
4. When the software is removed, all user settings will also be removed.
5. All calculate results of this software are only for reference, the software author does not take any administrative and legal responsibility.
If you have any questions or comments, welcome to discussions!
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